2006-11-06 2:17 AM
2011-05-17 2:51 AM
Is there also a schematic for the RLINK-ST Programmer public available like for the parallel port FlashLINK one?
I would like to build the RLINK-ST myself instead of the FlashLINK as it is easier to connect and I don't have a PC with parallel port anymore. Regards, Thomas2011-05-17 2:51 AM
The RLink is not open-source like the FlashLink is, and even if you had the schematic, you would not have the firmware code. However, if you want to include RLink directly in your design, that is still an option. But you'll have to do this through a contract with Raisonance. We have already done it with ST for their DK3400 boards with embedded RLink and it could be interesting for you if you plan to do this for significant quantities. If you think you might be interested, please contact us at this address: info@Raisonance.com Best Regards, Vincent2011-05-17 2:51 AM
Well then I'll have to look for a parallel port pc and stick to FlashLink.
It's just for private purpose, don't work with big quantities. But thanks for the note. Regards, Thomas2011-05-17 2:51 AM
The solution for small quantities is to purchase a RLink, take it out of its box and screw it directly on your system's board. Some people found this cheaper than including the FlashLink or RLink schematic in the product itself, because it saves a lot of time for design, debug, validation, etc. Maybe you'll want to enquire in this direction. Best Regards, Vincent [ This message was edited by: VincentC on 06-11-2006 15:48 ]