2006-11-13 2:35 AM
2006-11-12 10:50 PM
My program crashes when using printf(). I use RVCT V3.0 together with KEIL-Debugger. When program runs in debugger -> no problem. When disable timer-interrupts -> no problem My program is based on the KEIL-IAP example. Has anyone on idea? regards Marc2006-11-12 11:59 PM
my code size is only a few bytes. I modified your IAP-example in the following way: - add STR71xR.lib - add function printf() in main loop - add T3TIMI_IRQHandler I could send you my project. regards Marc2006-11-13 2:35 AM
another hint: - when I change the file scat.scf to start the program from address 0x40000000 -> no problem But I want to use the IAP-Driver in sector 0 and so my program should be able to start at 0x40002000. Is there something wrong with interrupt vectors ? regards Marc