2006-11-12 8:34 PM
2005-10-18 11:49 PM
Are the USB mouse demo and bulk demo available in a form compatible with Raisonance/GNUARM toolset?
I can build the ST USB-lib into a library OK but the program files themselves generate many errors related to non-ANSI stuff used by other dev tools. Raisonance provide all the STR7 library demos with the dev-kit; but not the USB ones. Thanks, Anthony [ This message was edited by: m1fde on 19-10-2005 12:21 ]2005-10-19 9:50 PM
2005-10-19 10:05 PM
The mouse demo and usb lib has been ported to GNU GCC as part of the Anglia SARM Toolchain and IDEaliST - www.anglia.com/columbus
The code will just need adding to a RIDE project whick should not be to much of a problem. Regards sjo2005-10-21 6:35 AM
I changed the USB mouse demo and made it build but have not tested it yet. It was a case of removing some files and one other correction. I shall try the version posted by Zouhair. I'll work on converting the USB block demo that was posted in the forums to the GNU tools. Anthony2005-10-23 9:36 PM
Just to let you all know, we have converted a number of demos to the ARM GNU toolchain as part of IDEaliST, these include mouse HID demo, bulk demo, Mass Storage, DFU and CDC (Virtual Comm port).
Also a port of FreeRTOS is available and we are currently working on ecos. The ST port of uclinux has been updated so it can be bulit under windows (using cygwin). Regards sjo2006-02-13 11:14 PM
Where I find ''CDC (Virtual Comm port)'' demos (sjo write this) ? I have IDEaliST 1.43 and only USB mouse demo is avalible. rads2006-02-13 11:21 PM
Some examples are included as part of the IDEaliST download the other have to be requested, as usually the work is done to support our customers.
Find cdc demo attached. Regards sjo ________________ Attachments : USBcdc.zip : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006HtSz&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000aQN%2FuseisYfzDJQfVq3x3md4CY8zFiS3s6aH3HQeIuorPhM&asPdf=false2006-02-14 10:18 PM
USBcdc demo working !!!
Really good base to develop my application. I'm really happy :-] :-] :-] :-] More thanks to sjo :-]2006-03-07 2:32 PM
On 14-02-2006 at 12:51, Anonymous wrote: Some examples are included as part of the IDEaliST download the other have to be requested, as usually the work is done to support our customers. Find cdc demo attached. Regards sjo Hi sjo, I've downloaded the USBcdc demo and ported to the ADS1.2 platform, but there are some problems. 1.No header file 'sys/types.h' is in the ADS's directory 'Include', which file should I replace this one? 2.The file 'syscalls.c' seems to complete input/output redirection.Since I don't know the original platform the demo developed on, I have no idea about how to change these funtions. 3.I notated the third function in syscalls.c and one statement 'register char *stack_ptr asm (''sp'');' to make the compilation success.I also changed the clock configuration to fit my board.When the program began to run, I installed the its driver 'usbser.sys', but no more information to propmt me install ccport.sys and wdmmdmld.vxd. After I stopped program running, the variable ' bDeviceState' remained 5(CONFIGURED). Thanks. Regards Dan