2004-07-01 5:40 PM
2011-05-17 3:01 AM
I was programming my uPSD3234 when this software return me a error: Program operation unsuccessful and after this my processor stop to work. The oscillator is not working and I can’t program it anymore. Somebody has this problem or knows a way to make it works ?
Thanks in advance2011-05-17 3:02 AM
Power down the board and close PSDsoft. Bring PSDsoft back up and power the board again to see if that works. Be sure that you erase all before programming.
2011-05-17 3:02 AM
I try it but the answer is: Unable to connect with Jtag target device.
All connections are ok.2011-05-17 3:02 AM
''The oscillator is not working'' sounds like a hardware problem
and the error message seems to suggest this too. Can you see the oscillator signal with a 'scope?2011-05-17 3:02 AM
Double check your power supply to ensure the uPSD device has the proper voltage on its power pins.
The JTAG programmer generates its own clock for programming and is not dependent on the uPSD's oscillator for programming. From the JTAG-ISP programming window from within PSDsoft, Click on the H/W Setup button and perform the FlashLink Connect test to make sure that FlashLink is working properly and then the Target Connect test. Until both of those tests work, you won't be able to program the device. If you have a PC with HyperThreading or dual processors, be sure to see FAQ #109 at the following FAQ page:http://www.st.com/stonline/products/families/memories/psm/psdfaq.htm
Of course if you are able to program the device, it won't function until the oscillator is working so you need to focus on that area.