2004-03-22 7:06 AM
2011-05-17 2:59 AM
what is the tipical cost for each PSD32XX Are there a device of this family with some EE2011-05-17 2:59 AM
Follow the link to your local distributor for pricing information: http://www.st.com/stonline/address/distrib/index.htm
The uPSD products only contain flash memory; however, there are ways to emulate EEPROM. Check withmailto:ask.psd@st.com
for more information. [ This message was edited by: uPSD_Support on 22-03-2004 20:12 ]2011-05-17 2:59 AM
On 2004-03-17 20:10, GaQuay wrote: Hi what is the tipical cost for each PSD32XX Are there a device of this family with some EE :- Hi I have been to the Avnet and other to look for the parts search and turn back none the part I am looking for is the uPds32342011-05-17 2:59 AM
You may have typed the part number incorrectly. It is upsd3234 (you may have used upds3234). I just did a part search for upsd3234 on www.avnet.com and the search returned with four results.