2006-05-15 10:09 AM
2006-05-01 7:12 PM
Micro Used: ST7FL35
Tool Used: DVP3 Compiler: Cosmic Not able to configure PA5 (HS)/ATPWM3/ICCDATA and PA6/MCO/ICCCLK/BREAK. If written it causes a reset while ICD.It works fine with the default configuration of PADDR = 0x00 and PAOR = 0x40. If i change the configuration to PADDR = 0x40(or 0x60) and PAOR = 0x00. When in ICD mode it resets. I would like to configure PA5 has output pin in my application. When in ICD mode i am taking care as to not use this pin in my application.As i understand from the data sheets to just configure it has output i feel it should not cause a problem. Kindly let me know as to what is going wrong? Regards, Suganya2006-05-15 10:09 AM
Hy Suganya,
humm....from data sheet You can set Pa5 and Pa6 in otuput mode, but follow the I/O port sequence configuration! PADDR 0x40 and Paor 0x00 means open drain configuration, then need a pullup resistor! For your throuble, are You sure that your HW don't produce strangerous effects? I think that is better isolate this pins from your HW and follow step by step ( register load) the micro situation. Other, I see that this pinst are connect in input to external interrupt logic... By