2004-04-02 10:14 AM
2011-05-17 2:59 AM
Hi, i'm currently working with a PSD8xxx series device.
I just wanted to know how i can understand what is put into the *.obj file. Right now, i'm having a problem with our embedded system. After a sequence of event wich is unknown to me yet, the bootloader code is corrupted. So i decided to upload the corrupted bootloader code in a given *.obj file. Then i flashed a new bootloader code. Once again, i uploaded the code of the good bootloader in another *.obj file. I checked the difference between the files and found only a little mismatch. But when it comes to check in wich address the changes are, i have no idea because the *.obj format is not known to me. So if someone can explain that to me, it would be very helpful. Thanks2011-05-17 2:59 AM
See Figure 2 on page 74 of the PSDsoft Express User Manual (December 2001). It describes the Intel 32-bit hex OBJ format.
You can also open the file in the programmer software included with PSDsoft. From the Design Flow window, select ''STMicroelectronics Convential Programmers'' and open the obj file from that program. It will show you the addresses and respective data per the obj file.