2005-06-15 2:45 AM
2005-06-08 4:39 AM
we built a custom board with str711STR711F R2T6. Untill now we use STR7-RVDK + ICE-ME to program the STR710-eval and all goes fine but when we connect to the custom board we receive an error. Is the configuration for the EVAL ok for the str711STR711F R2T6 or we need different device configuration file?
thanks, David2005-06-08 5:31 AM
> connect,route 1
> connect 5 Advanced_info searched in: Local Advanced_info, CHIP=STR710FZ2, CHIP=STR710FZ2, CHIP=STR710FZ2 Using Advanced info based on Processor 'ARM' Using Advanced info based on 'Default' or 'All' ARM RealView ICE Micro Edition TurboTAP FPGA Simulator Copyright ARM Limited 2002,2003 Attached to running device Mode: Big Endian Error V000F (Vehicle): Cannot access- connection to target is down I think the problem is >>> CHIP=STR710FZ2 thanks, D.2005-06-13 7:20 PM
Sorry, I've checked the pull up of nSTANDBY pin and it's ok.
I try the autoconfig scan chain in the RVConfig tool but without success. I've upgrade the RVDK to 1.7 version and I obtaign the same results. Do you know if I need a dedicated configuration file for str711STR711F R2T6 or it's ok the default for STR7-EVAL Board?2005-06-15 2:45 AM
we corrected the nJTRST circuit and we solved the problem.
Thanks, David