2003-11-17 1:36 AM
2003-11-12 1:23 AM
Another tricky question:
What is the time or amount of cycles between an (external) interrupt and the first instruction of the service routine? In the ST62 Programming manual it is written that the interrupt takes one cycle which would be 1.625µs @ 8MHz plus the rest of the interrupted command (0 - 8.125µs). In the latest revision of some ST62 chip specifications it it written that it is 6 cycles (9.75µs) plus the rest of one instruction. The WGB6 seems to simulate also a much longer time than 1 cycle. As the ST62 is quite slow it would be good to know what is the correct value.2003-11-17 1:36 AM
The time taken by ST6 micro between an interrupt and first instruction of the Interrrupt service routine is 6 cycles (9.75µs) plus the rest of the instruction as written in the datasheets. Regarding the programming manual the data will be modified soon.