2004-06-24 10:58 PM
2011-05-17 3:01 AM
Dear Sir!
I wan to config 32K SARM in 0000h to 7fffh,main flash in 8000h to ffffh (XDATA area) uisng paging method, How to config CSIOP and other device select signals in 0000h~7fffh? for example, CSIOP is located at 7f00h~7fffh,and other device selected signals are decoded in 7800h~7f00h? when those areas(7800 to 7fff) are accessed? what will happens? the CSIOP and other device siganls have higher priority than SRAM? Thanks!2011-05-17 3:01 AM
I have knownhow to config, only config rs0 to 0000~7800h is OK!