2007-01-16 8:26 PM
Help for : define a fixed address for a constant value in Cosmic C
2007-01-16 5:25 PM
Dear Sir,
I am using ST72F264 as mcu. and using cosmic C. I have created two .h files for declaring variables : public and external Var_ext.h: ************ extern const unsigned char var1;Var_pub.h: ************ const unsigned char var1 = 'A';and i want to fix the location of variable var1 at say ,0xe010; How to achieve this in Cosmic C ?? I can't use var1 @0xE010 ; as need to declare it constant. Pls help regards, Arup [ This message was edited by: arup on 17-01-2007 08:21 ]2007-01-16 8:26 PM