2007-05-11 6:48 AM
2004-01-06 9:04 PM
How con I implement a branch table in inline assembly with Metrowerks C compiler? Following code doesn't work :
asm{ ... LD X,Nerx SLL X ; X <- Nerx * 2 LD A,(TB_GRAF_RX+1,X) PUSH A ; MSB of return @ LD A,(TB_GRAF_RX,X) PUSH A ; LSB of return @ RET ; Branch to subroutine (TB_GRAF_RX + 2*Nerx) TB_GRAF_RX: DC graf_rx_0, graf_rx_1, graf_rx_2 ,graf_rx_3 DC graf_rx_4, graf_rx_5, graf_rx_6 ,graf_rx_7 graf_rx_0: ... graf_rx_1: ... and so on... VD2004-01-06 10:13 PM
On 2004-01-07 06:56, mcuinterest wrote: dear sjo, I have problem about ICP: as you know there is no need of isolation about ICCDATA and ICCCLK pin if these two pin is configured as output(decribed in the data sheet). But if I solder a blank chip on the board and begin to program with ICP and there are two LED connected with these two pin(include two 680ohm series resister. But I found I can not program the chip with ICP mode by using ST7-STICK. what is the problem? can I use FLASHBASH to program? best regards, mcuinterest The problem you are seeing is due to the open-drain communication method used for ICP. Flashbash should suffer the same fate as it uses the standard ICP protocol - but I have not tested it. Regards sjo2004-01-11 8:33 PM
dear sjo,
I am making a prototype of FLASHBASH, but it is difficult for me to find the two parts ZVP3306 and ZVN3306 or the direct replacement of the two MOSFET. coudl you do me a favor to provide the requirements of the two MOSFET(Votage, Current, Rdson etc). I want to find the nearest part to use. Thanks your support. Best Regards, Mcuinterest2004-01-11 8:51 PM
Really any kind of small mosfet is ok (parts are Zetex if you require data.
ZVP3306 - also use BSS110 ZVN3306 - also use BS108 Regards sjo2004-01-14 10:34 PM
dear sjo,
can I use FLASHBASH to program the board with 3V power supply? I know St7 Stick can do this? Best Regards, Mcuinterest2004-01-14 11:25 PM
Flashbash has been tested down to 3.2v.
Regards sjo2004-01-19 8:40 PM
Added Device Identifier support for ICC mode devices.
ST7FLITES2/S5 bootrom modified, incorrect option byte address used. ST7265x programming possible with hardware watchdog enabled. Regards sjo2004-02-02 11:16 PM
But how one can build a FlashBash programmer without having pre-programmed uC? How can I obtain one? With regards2004-02-12 4:08 AM
Hello every body!
I have realized 4 FLASHBASH programers. I can't have M25P10 memory, because ST doesn't manufacture them any more. I have M25P10-A. It doesn't work good!! I have a lot of problem to access the memory in PC mode or keyfob mode!! Is there anybody to help me? Thanks a lot, Malfrok.2004-02-12 4:33 AM
Could you explain your problem in a bit more detail, either M25P10 or M25P10A work with no problems in Flashbash.
Regards sjo