2007-07-30 2:27 AM
F276 Erase sectors while interrups enabled
2007-07-18 2:18 AM
We need to erase I-FLASH sectors on bank 1 while interrupt routines (on bank 0) are still active. We observe that sporadically (~1%) some of our tasks are killed while we try to erase this sectors. Due to the ST10 users manual concurrent write and read operations on different banks should be possible.
Any ideas what could kill our tasks here? In another forum-thread was mentioned that it is necessary to place a NOP after the erase operation (succeeding jumps might not be handled correct due to pipelining). How can i ensure that the NOP will be executed, if interrupts are enabled? thanks, Steve [ This message was edited by: Steverino on 26-07-2007 13:49 ]