2006-11-08 5:10 PM
2011-05-17 12:31 AM
Does anyone have a working example of how to a transfer data from memory to SSP using burst mode? Marty.2011-05-17 12:31 AM
Hi MD,
Please find here attached an STR9 project shows how to make a DMA transfer between SSP0 and memory. This example aims to send an “SSP0_Buffer_Tx� buffer from memory to SSP0 data register and then to “SSP0_Buffer_Rx� buffer. If you want to verify the status of the transfer you can see the content of the “SSP0_Buffer_Rx� buffer through the watch tool and make a comparison with the source buffer. Regards. Eris.2011-05-17 12:31 AM
Hi Eris,
Thanks for that, works a treat. It seems the mistake I was making was calling the DMA_ChannelSRCIncConfig function after DMA_Init. Does this example take advantage of the burst mode? Also, does your code contain a slight error in the ''DMA_SyncConfig(SSP_DMA_Transmit, ENABLE);'' function? According to the softlib manual parameter 1 should be DMA_SSP0_TX_Mask? i.e DMA_SyncConfig(DMA_SSP0_TX_Mask, ENABLE); Thanks again eris...2011-05-17 12:31 AM
Hi MD,
Yes, because we can take advantages of burst mode when the transmit /receive FIFO is enabled, in this case all we have to-do is to specify the burst size in the DMA structure. Concerning the DMA_SyncConfig (DMA_SSP0_TX_Mask, ENABLE) you have right. Reagrds Eris.2011-05-17 12:31 AM
Hi Eris,
I have another DMA question, and wondered if you could help? The last DMA sample you sent worked great, but now I need to do something slightly different. The scenario above is transfering from memory to the DMA. Now I need to transfer memory from the a peripheral (SSP1) to memory, but keep SSP1 in master mode. Example: I need to transfer 512 bytes (1 sector) from an MMC card to STR9 memory. So as I understand it, a single DMA request is issued when the receive FIFO contains at least 1 character. A burst request will be issued when the FIFO contains 4 or more characters. I assume then I will have to trigger the transfer by sending data. I am trying to do this by sending 8 bytes manually. (Need to send dummy data by using another DMA channel in future..) Here is my code: // Setup STR9 SSP1 for MMC card. SSP_DeInit(SSP1); SSP_StructInit(&g_ssp); g_ssp.SSP_FrameFormat = SSP_FrameFormat_Motorola; g_ssp.SSP_Mode = SSP_Mode_Master; g_ssp.SSP_CPOL = SSP_CPOL_Low; g_ssp.SSP_CPHA = SSP_CPHA_1Edge; g_ssp.SSP_DataSize = SSP_DataSize_8b; g_ssp.SSP_SlaveOutput = SSP_SlaveOutput_Disable; g_ssp.SSP_ClockRate = 0xB; g_ssp.SSP_ClockPrescaler = 12; SSP_Init(SSP1, &g_ssp); SSP_DMACmd(SSP1, SSP_DMA_Receive, ENABLE); SSP_Cmd(SSP1, ENABLE); // Enable the SSP0 peripheral DMA_SyncConfig(DMA_SSP1_RX_Mask, ENABLE); DMA_ITConfig(MMC_DMA_CHANNEL, ENABLE); DMA_ITMaskConfig(MMC_DMA_CHANNEL, DMA_ITMask_ITC, ENABLE); DMA_StructInit(&g_dma); g_dma.DMA_Channel_LLstItm = 0; g_dma.DMA_Channel_SrcAdd = (u32)&SSP1->DR; g_dma.DMA_Channel_DesAdd=0; g_dma.DMA_Channel_SrcWidth= DMA_SrcWidth_Byte; g_dma.DMA_Channel_DesWidth= DMA_DesWidth_Byte; g_dma.DMA_Channel_FlowCntrl=DMA_FlowCntrl2_DMA; g_dma.DMA_Channel_TrsfSize = 0; g_dma.DMA_Channel_Src = DMA_SRC_SSP1_RX; g_dma.DMA_Channel_DesAdd=(u32)buffer; g_dma.DMA_Channel_TrsfSize = 512; DMA_ChannelSRCIncConfig (MMC_DMA_CHANNEL, DISABLE); DMA_ChannelDESIncConfig (MMC_DMA_CHANNEL, ENABLE); DMA_Init(MMC_DMA_CHANNEL, &g_dma); DMA_ChannelCmd(MMC_DMA_CHANNEL, ENABLE); Any ideas appreciated.. Martin.2011-05-17 12:31 AM
Sorry, the code I posted works fine. It's just that it needs 512 bytes before a terminal count is issued, and I need to send this data out myself. So to do this job, it looks like I need 2 DMA channels. 1 for receiving the data, and 1 for sending out. Cheers, Martin.2011-05-17 12:31 AM
Hi MD,
I am going to read/write data from/to SD/MMC using 91x_lib through ssp0. Could you please give me a guide how to do that, say writing a sector data into SD/MMC and reading it back. Thank you. Yuantu2011-05-17 12:31 AM
Hi Yuantu,
In my application, I have used the EFSL filesystem drivers, and implemented SPI drivers using the STR9 libs. I have attached the relevant code. I am aware I need to re-submit this under the terms of the GNU and I will as sooon as poss. The GPIO setup is in another file, but if you want that as well then let me know and I will post. Martin.2011-05-17 12:31 AM
Hi Martin,
Your code is useful and give me a start point. I will download FESL to see what is inside. I am using IAR KickStart Kit for ARM91x and wonder whether the SD/MMC hardware of the board is working. I set P57 as output but it never goes low even if I call GPIO_WriteBit(GPIO5, GPIO_Pin_7, Bit_RESET) again and again. I am sure you are very welcome to publish your code under the term of GNU into this community. Thank you very much. Yuantu