2005-07-19 2:47 AM
2005-07-18 12:05 AM
with the ST10F269 are there any known errors, when there is a multiplication with 0 using floating-point variables? Best regards Patrick2005-07-18 12:15 AM
What software tool are you using? Regards,2005-07-18 4:10 AM
I'm using the TASKING tools for C166/ST10 v7.5 r6 Regards Patrick2005-07-19 2:47 AM
Multiplying by zero does not cause any error with the ST10F269. Please take a look at the C Compiler manual, ''Floating point trapping'' and ''Handling Floating point traps in a C application'' sections. So probably something else is going wrong. Please take a look at the value of the trap code (register R1) to find out what caused the error (exception). To do so, set a breakpoint on label __FPTRAPLOOP. Regards, [ This message was edited by: Najoua on 19-07-2005 15:18 ]