2004-04-12 5:51 AM
2011-05-17 2:52 AM
Another try
Removed R12 (4k7 on the rev0.1 board) and replaced it by an adjustable Result: success with part of enumeration at a value 7k2, but not stable One time, the enumeration-process completed. That was, before I removed the LM Don't understand why the DK3200 ist detected as a full speed device, thought this is defined as low-speed-device by the pull-up-resistor at line USB- ... Of course Windows-Task msgsvr32 always hangs up. So we had ONE complete enumeration at last.2011-05-17 2:52 AM
date code here is 0245. Regards2011-05-17 2:52 AM
I have tested the code given above, by prancergokaka. This works on a DK3200 V0.1 board, with no modifications. I too have problems with the newer code, from www.psdst.com. I will give more information as I find it. Simon [ This message was edited by: sjh on 12-11-2003 16:16 ]2011-05-17 2:52 AM
Just an update, although my kit is up to date, it has old silicon on it. Date code 0223 The November 2002 datasheet has a note on the last page discussing USB reset. Devices dated after 0242 have the option to disable the USB reset action to the mcu/psd hardware. This also means that I can not use PWM4 until it's changed. This may be part of the USB problem we are seeing. I will repace the device and give an update on the result. Simon [ This message was edited by: sjh on 12-11-2003 16:16 ]2011-05-17 2:52 AM
The errata released by ST for the DK3200 board fixes the problem. (using old silicon too ! ) Simply change PC2 from Vstby to another function Errata attached. Simon [ This message was edited by: sjh on 12-11-2003 16:17 ]2011-05-17 2:53 AM
My rev-0.1-board has 4.75k for R33. I switched vstby off at PC2 and there we are - Display is fine now and USB works! I will replace R33 as next. So I am on the road again with USB applications. Thank you!2011-05-17 2:53 AM
Hi guys
Were the problems with the USB ever resolved? Please let me know. I am about to investergate the eval board. Thanks