2004-04-12 5:51 AM
2011-05-17 2:52 AM
using DK3200 rev0.1 here
PWM to ADC DEMO v0.4 works fine RTC-I2C DEMO Display flickers (access-timing I2C-bus? - don't forget to place all jumpers on JP6 for this one... USB DEMO v1.0.0 does not enumerate USB DEMO v1.0.6 does not enumerate either and shows garbage on display2011-05-17 2:52 AM
I give up!
My DK3200 rev0.1 obviously does not support USB. I will not return it, but keep it so it reminds me the many hours I spent to get it running on USB. Useless hours... Time is running out for preparing for a seminar with some 50 ''mulitpliers'' (engineers and educators), so I prefer to stick to the old-fashioned anchor-chip plus ATmega128 (faster and more/better A/Ds). This works. If someone, sometime happens to bring the DK3200 to understand USB, let me know. However, no high priority any longer.2011-05-17 2:52 AM
Just to give an idea where the problem is...
Enumeration works fine for the first step - until the reset. When it comes to restart enumeration for step 2, instead enumeration 1 restarts. Again and again and again... Found no way to skip the reset and proceed with enumeration step 2. btw, in main.c UsbIsr(), RSTF is cleared. However, datasheet says RSTF is read-only... Of course, tried this one too2011-05-17 2:52 AM
There seems to be serval problems you are having with the USB interface. Please submit direct support questions to
and we will see if our technical support team can resolve them. Another way is to visit for specific support for the uPSD. Thanks2011-05-17 2:52 AM
I'm coming from there.
2011-05-17 2:52 AM
Try removing R42 (located behind the USB connector). I have done this and the USB demo works fine on my machine.
2011-05-17 2:52 AM
DK3200 rev0.1 comes with R42 already removed.
LC-Display shows garbage with the USB-application note and no USB-enumeration. Tried Win98se an WinME.2011-05-17 2:52 AM
Hi, Please use the attachment. I have just tested it (13:15 on 24 Jan 2003)on a DK3200 rev 0.1 board, and it works fine. The attached zip file contains the Keil c files, the PSDsoftexpress files and the PC exe. I have correct operation of this software on three separate machines, 2 are win98SE and one was Win2K. My DK3200 Rev0.1 was fresh out of the box (I have previously been working on a DK3200 Rev0.0). I hope this helps.
2011-05-17 2:52 AM
Thank you for your help and effort.
The package looked much like the first release of the application note, but I gave it another try of course. Same result. No enumeration. A closer look shows, that enumeration step 1 is ok, but with the reset ahead of enumeration step 2 the whole process restarts. I'd like to end this discussion point - it is obvious that I am too stupid for plug-and-play-USB. I will investigate this problem some time later - maybe in fall.