2003-01-14 9:14 AM
2011-05-17 2:53 AM
DK3200 rev0.1 here
why the old fashioned RS232-cable included and not an USB-cable instead? Any idea, what the cable with the small yellow wires (that fits into JTAG- J1-Flashlink-Connector) is good for?2011-05-17 2:53 AM
This is for the ''closed Loop'' test of the Flashlink to see if the connection is correct. This test is run from PSDsoft Express
[ This message was edited by: uPSD on 14-01-2003 19:37 ]2011-05-17 2:53 AM
I see.
This makes sense. I only saw the cable with the DK3200 board. Didn't realize it also (and even better) fits to the FlashLink. Thank you!