2006-06-26 5:04 AM
2006-06-22 3:56 AM
hi everybody
I'm controlling a display over BSPI with the STR7 evaluation board from hitex. Mostly everything works perfect except the thing that I can't detect when the BPSI transmission is completed. I'm only sending one byte at a time and afterwards I have to wait until the transmission is completed because i have to reset the enable (chip select) line at the end of the transmission. First I used the BSPI_TFE (TransmitFIFOEmpty) flag but then I realized that it's set immediately after the data byte is transmittet to the shift register and not at the time when the shift register has shifted out the byte. Afterwards I read that the BSPI_TUFL (TransmitFIFOUnderflow) flag could do the job. It's set after the transmission is completed but there's nothing new in the transmit register, that's right, isn't it? - i think it's not else it would work :-? the TUFL flag will never be set...thus the CPU hangs in an endless loop What am I doing wrong? Thanks for your help in advance! Regards, Fab PS: the code is attached below... A command byte is sent as follows:Code:
/** * Send byte as a command to the display **/ void PictivaOLED_Display_SendCommandByte(uint8_t cCommand) { FlagStatus bTransmissionCompleted; GPIO_BitWrite(GPIO0, PICTIVA_OLED_DISPLAY_ENABLE_PIN, 0); //Enable display GPIO_BitWrite(GPIO0, PICTIVA_OLED_DISPLAY_DC_PIN, 0); //We're sending a command BSPI_WordSend (BSPI0, cCommand); do { bTransmissionCompleted = BSPI_FlagStatus (BSPI0, BSPI_TUFL); } while (!bTransmissionCompleted); GPIO_BitWrite(GPIO0, PICTIVA_OLED_DISPLAY_ENABLE_PIN, 1); //Disable display } The BSPI is initialized as follows:Code:
//Init SPI GPIO_Config(GPIO0, 0x01<<PICTIVA_OLED_DISPLAY_SCLK_PIN, GPIO_AF_PP); GPIO_Config(GPIO0, 0x01<<PICTIVA_OLED_DISPLAY_SOUT_PIN, GPIO_AF_PP); GPIO_Config(GPIO0, 0x01<<0, GPIO_AF_PP); GPIO_Config(GPIO0, 0x01<<3, GPIO_AF_PP); BSPI_BSPI0Conf (ENABLE); BSPI_Init (BSPI0); BSPI_ClockDividerConfig(BSPI0, 40); BSPI_Enable (BSPI0, ENABLE); BSPI_MasterEnable (BSPI0, ENABLE); BSPI_8bLEn(BSPI0, ENABLE); BSPI_ClkActiveHigh (BSPI0, ENABLE); BSPI_ClkFEdge (BSPI0, ENABLE); BSPI_TrFifoDepth(BSPI0,1); BSPI_FifoDisable(BSPI0);2006-06-22 8:09 PM
I also used the spi to talk to a serial LCD controller. The way I ended up doing it is to use the RFNE bit to check for a completed transmit e.g u16 cmd16; /* empty rx fifo */ while( (BSPI0->CSR2 & 0x0008)!=0) { cmd16 = BSPI0->RXR; } /* start write command cycle */ LCD_A1_LOW; LCD_nLCD_CS_LOW; /* load shift register with data */ cmd16 = cmd; cmd16 <<= 8; BSPI0->TXR = cmd16; while ((BSPI0->CSR2 & 0x0008)==0) { /* Wait until the end of transmission */ asm(''nop''); } cmd16 = BSPI0->RXR; /* Read the received data */ /* end write command cycle */ LCD_nLCD_CS_HIGH;2006-06-26 5:04 AM
thanks a lot, that solved my problem. now the controller proper detects BSPI transmission completion! thanks again! best regards, fab