2004-12-15 2:20 AM
2004-12-13 4:08 AM
Hello all,
I am a newbie in microcontroller programming. I am using ST10 microcontroller. My problem is to determine the speed of a BLDC motor by using three hall sensors.The hall sensors are connected to ports P8_2,P8_3 and P8_4.My idea is to use only one hall sensor (if possible) to count the number of pulses in a certain period of time. Each hall sensor remains high for 180 electrical degree and low for the other 180°.My motor has 3 pole-pairs. So, three electrical cycles are needed for the completion of a mechanical cycle.From this information I can calculate the speed if I can count the number of pulses.If I am right, for one mechanical cycle, 6 pulses (3 high, 3 low) can be detected. I would like to use CAMCOM T0 in counter mode: //CAPCOM T0 counter mode void Capcom0Init(void) { T01CON = 0x0009; T0 = 0x0000; T0REL = 0x0000; T01CON |= 0x0040; } To be true, I got this code from a DC motor control code. I am not sure,how and which port can be associated with the above code to give T0 values. The following skeleton (taken from the same source) function calculates the speed: // Function: GetSpeed // Purpose: Counts the number of pulses over a given time interval. Uses this value to calculate the speed // It uses CAPCOM 16, which is connected to P8_0. CAPCOM 16 is timed with Timer 7. // Input conditions: P3_0 configured as input (in initialize). // Destroys: P3_0 // Returns: Speed (m/sec) float GetSpeed(int ticks,float timeInterval) { ----- } Would be please anybody be kind to clarify my doubts? Thanks2004-12-14 1:45 AM
Hi Neila,
Thank you very much for your reply. I am trying to undestand your explanation. I would ask you my questions later. Thank you again.2004-12-15 12:15 AM
Hi Neila,
I have a question--what value does CAPCOM Timer 0/1 or 7/8 Register give--an integer value or a floating value or anything else? If I want to use this time value for other calculation (e.g. speed) , how can I use this value? Thanks2004-12-15 2:20 AM
Hi Neila,
Thanks again Regen