2006-09-10 10:26 PM
2006-08-31 1:36 AM
Hi all ,
I'm working on STR71x implementing SPI link between STR712 and a slave device. I coded the spi link according to specifications and ST examples. It doesn't work. I haven't nothing on SCLK pin, and the link is not done. Like if the IO should be bad configured. But it's seem not tobe that (i copied ST examples, and post forums). I encountered the problem with another guy on ST forum but without reply. So , I try to find support. It's quite urgent and I need to succeed quickly to speak with my spi device. My Code : void main(void) { #ifdef DEBUG debug(); #endif /* RCCU peripheral configuration --------*/ //RCCU_Div2Config ( DISABLE); /* Configure FCLK = RCLK /2 */ RCCU_FCLKConfig ( RCCU_DEFAULT ); /* Configure PCLK = RCLK /4 */ RCCU_PCLKConfig (RCCU_DEFAULT); /* Configure MCLK clock for the CPU, RCCU_DEFAULT = RCLK /1 */ RCCU_MCLKConfig (RCCU_DEFAULT); /* Configure the PLL1 ( * 12 , / 2 ) */ RCCU_PLL1Config (RCCU_PLL1_Mul_12, RCCU_Div_6) ; /* Wait PLL to lock */ while(RCCU_FlagStatus(RCCU_PLL1_LOCK)==RESET); /* Select PLL1_Output as RCLK clock */ RCCU_RCLKSourceConfig (RCCU_PLL1_Output) ; /* Configure GPI00 on mode Alternate function Push Pull */ GPIO_Config (GPIO0, 0x0077,GPIO_AF_PP ); GPIO_Config (GPIO0, 0x0080, GPIO_IN_TRI_CMOS); GPIO_Config (GPIO0, 0x0008, GPIO_IN_TRI_CMOS); /* --------- Configure BSPI0 as a Master --------- */ /* Enable the BSPI0 interface */ Sendtab[0]=0x01; Sendtab[1]=0x02; BSPI_BSPI0Conf(ENABLE); /* Initialize BSPI0 */ BSPI_Init ( BSPI0 ) ; /* Configure Baud rate Frequency: ---> APB1/6 */ BSPI_ClockDividerConfig ( BSPI0, 6); /* Enable BSPI0 */ BSPI_Enable ( BSPI0 , ENABLE ); /* Configure BSPI0 as a Master */ BSPI_MasterEnable ( BSPI0,ENABLE); /* Configure the clock to be active high */ BSPI_ClkActiveHigh(BSPI0,ENABLE); /* Enable capturing the first Data sample on the first edge of SCK */ BSPI_ClkFEdge(BSPI0,ENABLE); /* Set the word length to 16 bit */ BSPI_8bLEn(BSPI0,ENABLE); /* Configure the depth of transmit to 9 words */ BSPI_TrFifoDepth(BSPI0,9); /* Configure the depth of receive to 9 word */ BSPI_RcFifoDepth(BSPI0,40); /* --------- Configue BSPI1 for nothing just in case of perturbation on bspi0 ?! --------- */ /* Initialize BSPI1 */ BSPI_Init ( BSPI1 ) ; /* Enable BSPI1 */ BSPI_Enable ( BSPI1 , DISABLE ); /* Configure BSPI0 as a Slave */ BSPI_MasterEnable ( BSPI1,DISABLE); /*----------- SPI LINK ------------*/ //putting down /CS GPIO_BitWrite(GPIO0, 3,0) ; //At this time CS is down but ther's no CLK //Sending two words BSPI_BufferSend(BSPI1,Sendtab,2); //Nothing on scope too during sent BSPI_BufferReceive(BSPI1,Receivetab,9); GPIO_BitWrite(GPIO0, 3, 1) ; while(1); } So If you had some problem on spi implementation on STR71x, please don't hesitate to post. Moreover, if the problem is known on the ST side, please signal it. Thanks much, Regards, [ This message was edited by: jorge50 on 31-08-2006 14:15 ]2006-09-01 3:15 AM
you put BSPI1 in the place of BSPI0
//Sending two words BSPI_BufferSend(BSPI0,Sendtab,2); regards raainxx2006-09-01 3:26 AM
OH ok Rainxx,
so, it's a mistake of me coz I tried with BSPI1 too.:-? But it doesn'work with BSPI0 too, with : //Sending two words BSPI_BufferSend(BSPI0,Sendtab,2);2006-09-01 3:31 AM
have you take a pull-up resistor on the signal ss0 10K?
2006-09-01 3:36 AM
No I didn't tried.
SS0 is in GPIO_IN_TRI_CMOS, so, Is pull up integrated in STR71x , seems to be? I'm going to try now you're suggestions and reply you in few minutes. Thanks Raainxx2006-09-01 3:46 AM
Nothing Changed.
The SS0 work well on scope but there's no CLK on scope after powering down SS0 ???!2006-09-01 3:47 AM
I have to see that on the pdf for interfaced str712 BSPI to M25P10
on st. [ This message was edited by: Raainxx on 01-09-2006 16:18 ]2006-09-04 2:11 AM
Hi Radix
I think that's what i've done in code above, isn't it???2006-09-07 2:21 AM
Hi all,
I had a look to your code solartron, it helped me correct some details. So, finally , i managed to use SPI bus ! :-] One of my problems was APB bus not activated, and pull up not existant on MISO (due to my external SPI device). So, ........ I would like to mention for other developpers that ST SPI Chip select is a CS. And not a /CS like in a lot of SPI IC connected to microcontrollers. So, Be carreful,..... Thanks to everybody helped me on this subject !