2006-09-10 9:26 PM
2006-09-08 1:05 AM
I can't transmit any data(XASC)...am using keil compiler Download & checking in evaluation board Even i have chenged in start up settings ( SYSCON =0x0004,XPERCON =0x0080) pls find the below code and help me ============================================================= #include ''ST10F276.H'' sbit DP2_0 = DP2^0; sbit P2_0 = P2^0; void main() { int i,j,k; DP2_0 =1; P2_0 =1; //SYSCON =0x0004; //XPERCON =0x0080; //P8 |= 0x0080; //DP8 |= 0x0080; XS1PORT = 0x0018; XS1BG = 0x81u; // 9600 XS1CON = 0x8011; XIR1CLR=0xFFFF; // XIR1SEL register clear XIR1SET=0x4000; // Set bit 15 of XIR1SEL > XASC Transmit Int. connected to X-Periph. Interrupt Vector 1, XP1INT XP1IC=0x0045; // xxxx.xxxx.x100.0101 XP1INT (XSSC Transmit) Int. enable, ILVL=1, GLVL=1 XP2IC = 0x2E; // ILVL = 11 and Group level 2 IEN = 1; while(1) { P2_0 =~P2_0; //toggle pin XS1TBUF='A'; // Trying to send continuous data for(i=0;i<=65534;i++); for(j=0;j<=65534;j++); for(k=0;k<=65534;k++); } } void XPeriph_Int1( void ) interrupt 0x41 // XSSC Tx Interrupt { } ============================================================ i am trying to send 'A' continuously But its not working Or anybody can send a sample code to ''leelijo@rediffmail.com'' Regards, Vinu2006-09-08 2:12 AM
I noticed a mistake in your configuration (XPERCON =0x0080): In order to to be able to use X-Bus peripherals, XPEN bit in SYSCON register and the peripheral enable bit (XASCEN in our case) & XMISCEN bit in XPERCON register must be set. So, could you please set XMISCEN bit in XPERCON register and let me know how it goes? Please refer to the discussion forum on the follwowing link: http://www.stmcu.com/forums-cat-2864-5.html Regards, Najoua. [ This message was edited by: Najoua on 08-09-2006 15:01 ]2006-09-10 9:26 PM
yaa its working.. thanks Regards, Vinu :p