2015-10-16 01:35 AM
Dear All,
I tried to implement my own protocol for PLC modem with another company MCU. But When I calculate CRC32, it returns 32bir diffrent CRC and ST7580 ignore my package.For example;02 09 50 04 01 23 45 67 89 AB CD EF 1D 04STM32-ST7580 communicaiton package. CRC is 1D 04 and only payload is added to CRC32-Little endian calculation.But when I calculate, CRC value is 0x45BEBFF6...How can I solve this issue?Please help me..best regards. #crc32 #crc #st75802015-10-18 10:16 AM
I solve the issue..
CRC32 is used in PLC frame not between ExternalHost and ST7580.In local frame that used for ExternalHost communication, needs Checksum only.CheckSum = Length + Cmd + Data