2013-05-22 02:22 AM
Hi ,
I'm using ST7540 Eval Board and i want to send to my Micrcontroller via SPI , 24 bitsall at once
. The spi i use is 8 bit. Here is anexcerpt
of my code : volatile uint8_t i=3; while(i>0){ i--; SPI1->DR=data[i]; /* Control Register Write */ REG_DATA_1; RxTx_0; NSS1_LOW; } /* Wait for SPI transfer to have fully completed */ while(!(SPI1->SR & SPI_I2S_FLAG_TXE)); while(SPI1->SR & SPI_I2S_FLAG_BSY); NSS1_HIGHT; .....2014-12-01 01:18 AM
did you resolve the issue. If so can u upload the code we are facing the same issue.ThanksRaj.T