2020-07-06 12:51 AM
Hello every one !
i used a low Energy Wireless system-on-chip ( BlueNRG-1)
in this application i used 3 input as analog (ADC1, AD2 and internal VBATSSENS). If i program just 1 input, its works. The problem is when i configure 3 inputs. In fact, when i used the fonction "ADC_Init()" after finishing my configuration, variable CHSEL does not change. I see that the value (CHSEL) has not changed with debug session. In my program, I created a state machine which measures one after the other. ( ADC2 configure => ADC_Cmd(ENABLE); => ADC_GetConvertedData(ADC_Input_AdcPin2, ADC_ReferenceVoltage_0V6) ; => ADC1 configure ect…)
Moreover, I noticed that when " SR_REG " ( ENDCALL, BUSY, EOC) are enable, the fonction ADC_init is not functional.
can you give me some leads please?