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External EEPROM M24C02-RMN6TP acks data transfer, but only returns 255.


Hi, I am trying to store and retrieve data in the M24C02-RMN6TP, however, I only read 255 when trying to read data. Using an oscilloscope shows that the address and data bits are transferred correctly, and the eeprom acks for both the address and the data, but the bits the eeprom sends back during a read request are all set to 1.

I have attached pictures of the oscilloscope when writing and reading.

EDIT: Here is the code I am using. I'm using MPLAB Harmony V2.06 and the built in I2C drivers. This code is only part of a larger program, and the eepromWrite and eepromRead functions are called from another function.

SYS_MODULE_OBJ objectHandle;
uint8_t deviceAddressSlave;
uint8_t numOfBytes;
uint8_t         TXbuffer[32];
/* I2C driver RX Buffer */
uint8_t         RXbuffer[32];
DRV_I2C_BUFFER_EVENT APP_Check_Transfer_Status(DRV_HANDLE drvOpenHandle, DRV_I2C_BUFFER_HANDLE drvBufferHandle);
uint32_t    APP_Number_Of_Bytes_Transferred(DRV_HANDLE drvOpenHandle, DRV_I2C_BUFFER_HANDLE drvBufferHandle);
DRV_HANDLE drvI2CMasterHandle; //Returned from DRV_I2C_Open for I2C Master
DRV_I2C_BUFFER_HANDLE bufHandle_M1; //Returned from calling a Data Transfer function
uintptr_t i2cOpStatus; //Operation status of I2C operation returned from callback
DRV_HANDLE drvI2CSlaveHandle; //Returned from DRV_I2C_Open for I2C Slave
DRV_I2C_BUFFER_HANDLE bufHandle_S1; //Returned from calling a Data Transfer function
DRV_I2C_BUFFER_HANDLE bufHandle_S2; //Returned from calling a Data Transfer function
typedef enum{
        TxRx_OPEN = 0,
static APP_EEPROM_WR_STATES appWriteState = TxRx_OPEN;
bool APP_Write_Tasks(void)
    switch (appWriteState)
        case TxRx_OPEN:
            /* Open the I2C Driver for Master */
            appData.drvI2CHandle_Master = DRV_I2C_Open( DRV_I2C_INDEX_0,
                                                     DRV_IO_INTENT_READWRITE );
            if(appData.drvI2CHandle_Master != DRV_HANDLE_INVALID)
                appWriteState = TxRx_TO_EXTERNAL_SLAVE;
                appData.state = APP_STATE_ERROR;
        case TxRx_TO_EXTERNAL_SLAVE:
            /* Number of bytes to transfer */
            numOfBytes = 3;
            deviceAddressSlave = 0xA0;
            if ( (appData.appI2CWriteBufferHandle[0] == DRV_I2C_BUFFER_HANDLE_INVALID) || 
                    (APP_Check_Transfer_Status(appData.drvI2CHandle_Master, appData.appI2CWriteBufferHandle[0]) == DRV_I2C_BUFFER_EVENT_COMPLETE) ||
                        (APP_Check_Transfer_Status(appData.drvI2CHandle_Master, appData.appI2CWriteBufferHandle[0]) == DRV_I2C_BUFFER_EVENT_ERROR) )
                appData.appI2CWriteBufferHandle[0] = DRV_I2C_Transmit (appData.drvI2CHandle_Master,deviceAddressSlave, &TXbuffer[0], numOfBytes, NULL);
            if (APP_Check_Transfer_Status(appData.drvI2CHandle_Master, appData.appI2CWriteBufferHandle[0]) == DRV_I2C_BUFFER_EVENT_ERROR){
            appWriteState = TxRx_EXTERNAL_SLAVE_STATUS_CHECK_1;
            Transaction = APP_Check_Transfer_Status(appData.drvI2CHandle_Master, appData.appI2CWriteBufferHandle[0]);
            appWriteState =TxRx_STATUS_CHECK;
            if  ( Transaction == DRV_I2C_BUFFER_EVENT_COMPLETE)
                appWriteState =TxRx_STATUS_CHECK;
             else if  (Transaction == DRV_I2C_BUFFER_EVENT_ERROR)  //Useful for error checking
                appWriteState =TxRx_STATUS_CHECK;
        case TxRx_STATUS_CHECK:
// Only defined for dynamic driver.            
            #ifdef DRV_I2C_CLIENTS_NUMBER            
extern const DRV_I2C_INIT drvI2C0InitData;
            DRV_I2C_Close( appData.drvI2CHandle_Master );
            DRV_I2C_Deinitialize (sysObj.drvI2C0);
            #ifdef DRV_I2C_CLIENTS_NUMBER            
            sysObj.drvI2C0 = DRV_I2C_Initialize(DRV_I2C_INDEX_0, (SYS_MODULE_INIT *)&drvI2C0InitData);
            /* to run the application only once,  
             * set next state to TxRx_COMPLETED */
//            appWriteState = TxRx_COMPLETED;
            /* to run the application in a continuous loop,  
             * set next state to TxRx_OPEN */
            #ifdef DRV_I2C_CLIENTS_NUMBER            
            appWriteState = TxRx_COMPLETED;
            appWriteState = TxRx_TO_EXTERNAL_SLAVE;
        case TxRx_COMPLETED:
            return true;
    return false;
void writeEEPROM(void){
    TXbuffer[0] = 0xF0;
    TXbuffer[1] = ((unsigned short)300 >> 8); //1
    TXbuffer[2] = (char) 300; //44
    while (!APP_Write_Tasks());
    DRV_I2C_Close( appData.drvI2CHandle_Master );
void readEEPROM(void){
    appData.drvI2CHandle_Master = DRV_I2C_Open( DRV_I2C_INDEX_0, DRV_IO_INTENT_READWRITE );
    /*memset(TXbuffer, 0, sizeof TXbuffer);  //Used when not calling write function
    deviceAddressSlave = 0xA0;
    numOfBytes = 3;  
    TXbuffer[0] = 0xF0;
    TXbuffer[1] = ((unsigned short)300 >> 8); //1
    TXbuffer[2] = (char) 300; //44*/
    appData.appI2CReadBufferHandle[0] = DRV_I2C_TransmitThenReceive(appData.drvI2CHandle_Master, 0xA0, &TXbuffer[0], 1, &RXbuffer, 2, NULL);
DRV_I2C_BUFFER_EVENT APP_Check_Transfer_Status(DRV_HANDLE drvOpenHandle, DRV_I2C_BUFFER_HANDLE drvBufferHandle)
    return (DRV_I2C_TransferStatusGet (appData.drvI2CHandle_Master, drvBufferHandle));
uint32_t APP_Number_Of_Bytes_Transferred(DRV_HANDLE drvOpenHandle, DRV_I2C_BUFFER_HANDLE drvBufferHandle)
    return (DRV_I2C_BytesTransferred (appData.drvI2CHandle_Master,drvBufferHandle));


Not sure I want to dig thorough un-annotated scope traces.

Might be more apparent if you show the code you're using.

Unless you've written some known patterns to the memory via a PROM Programmer, or similar tools, I'd assume the content is 0xFF by default, and the WRITE you're doing here is unsuccessful.

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Okay, I have edited my post to include the code.