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Dummy question : .axf size greater than Flash size???

Associate II
Posted on November 13, 2009 at 05:51

Dummy question : .axf size greater than Flash size???

Associate II
Posted on May 17, 2011 at 09:59

Hello all,

Device = STR912

I don't understand how it works (JTAG programmation) : the flash size is 512K, and the file ''.axf'' size is 700k ??

As i'm working on a bootloader solution, I'd like to know if some informations of this file should not been downloaded in flash ??

thank you

Associate II
Posted on May 17, 2011 at 09:59

Hello all,

OK, for those who ask themselves the same question : you need to generate the .bin file from the .axf file with the fromelf.exe software provided by Keil (if using Keil) or any converter you may choose.

In Project : Option --> User --> Run User program After Build/rebuild, mark #1 with :

c:\keil\ARM\BIN31\fromelf.exe --bin -o FileName.bin FileName.axf

This .bin file is the one to use with the bootloader.


That's really helped me a lot, Thanks!

Generally a great deal of symbol and debug information goes into the file so it can be quite expansive.

You can get an effective dump/disassembly via

FromELF -c -s -d foo.axf >foo.lst

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yes, or

arm-none-eabi-objcopy -O binary foo.axf foo.bin

when using the arm-none-gnu-eabi toolchain��