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What is the ID for the LSM303AH

Associate III
ST Employee

If you mean the return values of WHO_AM_I, then there are two in the LSM303AH:

  • one for the accelerometer (address 0x0f, value 0x43)
  • one for the magnetometer (address 0x4f, value 0x40)

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Thanks Peter for your response.
I am new to CubeMX and how to do I2C I/O to the LSM303AH.
Using HAL for now to keep things as simple as I can.
Am getting error 32 which is a timeout, I think.
I have included my MX setup and the IDE code that is failing.
Would you please tell me how to fix my problem.
Do not know if you see the inserts or not.
The Master_Receive is failing
I do not know how to pull code from Get Hub.
If you could point me to a HAL example that does a read and write to the LSM303AH, I would love it.
One quick question.
Is the following below correct?

How did you insert the images, because nothing appears here except, for example, "cid:image001.png@01D844E1.6B7FAF10]"?



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Associate III
Thanks for your response.
Was not sure they would show. They didn’t.
Did a copy from computer screen.
Will type info in.
But will be a few days. Please wait.
Jerry Bonner