2020-03-17 4:27 AM
I am using LSM6DSL Click Board to measure an expected frequency of 1hz. The datasheet seems to be very vague on this, or I might have missed it. If anyone knows on this information, please share.
2020-03-17 8:51 AM
Hi @SNik.1 , the LSM6DSL sensor frequency range is at first determined by the selected ODR, going up to MAX_ODR/2 = 6664/2 = 3333Hz, following Nyquist theorem BW = ODR /2.. The mechanical system resonance frequency is in line with this bandwidth, but please note that above 1kHz the sensitivity slightly decreases. If however you are interested in 1Hz signal recognition, you should not be absolutely afraid of this. Btw, which is the application setup (LSM6DSL click board + ?) you are using? Regards
2020-03-17 9:13 AM
Thank you for the clarification.
The LSM6DSL Click Board is set up to communicate to STM32F767ZI-NUCLEO through I2C. I guess the root to my question is to find out whether LSM6DSL is sensitive enough to detect 1Hz vibration frequency as I am not getting the expected frequency after FFT. Instead, I got DC offset .
2020-03-18 6:29 AM
Hi @SNik.1 , the minimum detectable signal is 0.061mg, so I really think this is your case. Also the time accuracy should be fair. Can you please tell me the working condition of your application in terms of ODR,, Full Scale, device configurations, etc? Regards
2020-03-18 7:22 AM
Hi @Eleon BORLINI ,
I am using only Accelerometer and have powered down Gyroscope. The settings are: ODR = 6.66KHZ, Full Scale = +-2g, Analog bandwidth filter (BW0_XL = 0) = 1.5kHz, Bandwidth = ODR/2 (As shown in the picture below)
I have set TIM2 to print out the acceleration value every 1ms over USART3 (Baud Rate: 921600). I understand that there would be a delay printing over UART, however I do not need real-time data. I also reassured that the acceleration value was giving out data every 1ms by comparing it with HAL_GetTick() value.
Is there any other settings that I should look out for?