2022-02-01 7:56 AM
I am using STM32F401VE with IIS3DHHC accelerometer sensor. I wanted to use the accelerometer as inclinometer. Apparently some documents are available with the mathematical formula to convert the accelerometer into inclinometer. However, I was wondering if there are some libraries which are available for the calibration of the inclinometer and implementation of Kalman filter.
I am wondering if the Kalman filter is necessary for this sensor. Please help
2022-02-04 4:29 AM
Hi @AV B.1 , Kalman filter is always a good solution from my point of view.
There is the MotionTL library in the X-CUBE-MEMS1 package that enables the tilt measurement
For a broad application of the Kalman filter, there is also this interesting project, but I don't know the status of its maturity