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User Activity Tracking (Walking, Running, and Steady) Using LSM6DSOX


Hello Community,

I am currently developing a medical device and am utilizing the LSM6DSOX IMU sensor for user activity tracking. My goal is to implement functionality that can accurately track activities such as running, walking, and being steady.

To achieve this, I’ve started by working with the MLC (Machine Learning Core) example provided in the ST GitHub repository. However, despite my efforts, we are not getting any output from the implementation.

Could anyone provide guidance or suggestions on the following:

  1. Steps for implementing user activity tracking with the LSM6DSOX IMU sensor, specifically for activities like running, walking, and being steady.
  2. Common pitfalls or challenges that might cause issues like not getting output.
  3. Any best practices or recommendations for improving activity classification accuracy.

I’d appreciate any advice or tips to help move forward with this project. Looking forward to your suggestions!