2020-05-13 5:34 AM
Hey all,
I bought the STEVAL-BCN002V1B and need for my use case live sensor data of the accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer and the data of the senor fusion in MATLAB.
I already tried the Unicleo software and the ST BLE Sensor-App, but i only found the possibility to save the data as a csv file and import it offline into MATLAB.
Is there any way to get the data live into MATLAB?
Thank you for help :)
Greetings Max
2020-05-14 6:25 AM
Hi @MMaie.1 , you could manage data stream from the BCN002V1B via USB, flashing on the STEVAL-BCN002V1B module the STM32L1_FW_BCN002V1D.hex file you can find STSW-BLUETILE-DK 1.2.0\Firmware\USB_to_SERIAL. Then you can manage the VCOM acquisition through standard Matlab library (here a discussion on Data Acquisition in Matlab GUI). Regards
2020-05-25 5:42 AM
@Eleon BORLINI Thank you for this advice.
I couldn't manage the data acquisition with matlab, because I have the problem, that I don't know which parameter are sended over the serial port, after flashing the device with the USB_to_SERIAL.hex file.
Is there any manual for the hexfile or original source code? Or some Matlab code to read out the parameters from the sensorboard?
Thanks a lot
2020-05-26 3:27 AM
Hi Max, you can maybe found some hints in the Docs\BlueNRG1_Periph_Drivers description (example attached).
Btw, if you need this, you can request the source code of the specific USB_to_SERIAL.hex file to our regional contacts. Regards