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STEVAL-BCN002V1B Bluetooth-Connection to laptop

Associate II

Hello ,

Is it possible to connect the senor-borad STEVAL-BCN002V1B direct with our computer, if the computer has Bluetooth 5.0 standard. Or do I need an bluetooth extension board for my nucleo board.

The aim is to read out the sensordata from the board live via Bluetooth and use the data in MATLAB.

There are any better solution the read out the sensor data?

Thanks for your help.



ST Employee

Hi Fabian, you could acquire data from STEVAL-BCN002V1B sensors via USB (VCOM): the simplest way may be to use the Unicleo-GUI, a common ST software that supports also the communication with the via USB (see also the Tools&Softwares section of the STEVAL-BCN002V1B page). If however you want to use the Bluetooth protocol for the acquisition of the sensor data with your PC, you need to have the Bluetooth Low Energy module on your PC and to be able to manage the BLE communication (for example, using the desktop version / Android studio emulator of the STBLESensor apk, source code available on Github at this LINK, or using the STSW-BLUETILE-DK software). Regards

Thanks Eleon Borlini for your quick respone :)

I will try it with the Android studio emulator, because I need for my use case the Bluetooth-Connection.

Is there any further tutorial or example videos how to work with the STSW-BLUETILE-DK? I downloaded the software, but at the moment I'm overwhelmed, because I'm not that experienced.

Thanks a lot.



Hi Fabian, an overview on the STEVAL-BCN002V1B working principle can be found in this video. I believe that the STSW-BLUETILE-DK software is not open source, but you can of course contact an STMicroelectronics sales office and representatives from your geographical region for further information Please note that the release of STM proprietary libraries is subject to signature of a License User Agreement (LUA). Regards


Hi, Fabian.

i am working on a project that also involves to obtain data from that Sensor Board via Bluetooth to a PC.

did you manage to do it? I was trying to modify the Sensor Demo example from the STSW-BLUETILE-DK and flash the sensor board but at the moment I haven’t made it work