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Sir i'm trying to communicate LPS25HB sensor with STM32F072RB board please could you try to help me to resolve this issue? I'm giving you brief Details in Details box?


Sir i'm trying to communicate LPS25HB sensor with STM32F072RB board but the sensor is not acknowledging and to make sure i have connected RTC DS3231 it is working properly. I have checked clock speed with 100khz and 400khz also, pull-up i have connected , GPIO also i have tested, Voltages is also i have tested Lps25hb sensor is needed more than 2.10 v(tested) ?

ST Employee

Hi @VDutt.1​ 

but are you receiving a NACK (in the I2C case) or you are able to read -for example- the WHO_AM_I (0Fh) register?

In the first case, can you send the SDA/SCL scope pictures, or did you tried also with the SPI interface?

In the second case, did you correctly configured the sensor? I suggest you to check the C drivers on Github for a reference --> lps25hb_read_data_polling.c.


Make sure you have the address correct and the device is in the right mode.

The address is the high order 7-bits, the STM32 expects this to be left aligned, check it is shifted and communicated properly so it NACK​s.

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