2016-10-13 11:58 PM
I am doing Bluetooth programming on ST SensorTile Expansion Board. I need a help to reflash demo version in sensor tile. I have downloaded expansion board library files but it only has Data Logger and Audio LoopBack programs. I tried to run BLE expansion board programs on SensorTile, it programmed successfully but did not work. Could you please help me, where can I get SensorTile demo program? Please let me know if you need more input.
Apart from running factory demo version program again, I have few more problems.
Yesterday, I run successfully Audio Loop Example of SensorTile after that I tried to burn Bluetooth expansion board example on SensorTile which flashed successfully but did not work. I think burning that example creates another problem on SensorTile. Now I am unable to run AudioLoop example of SensorTile even though it is flashing successfully. Something Strange is happening here. I have erased full chip but it is still sending TimeStamp to the TeraTerm Terminal. Please help me to find out what is wrong here. accelerometer stm32f401re sensor data-logging data sensor2016-01-01 4:17 AM
Thanks Nesrine.
The 'Data Log' demo is working fine for me, although I am using a Linux host to receive the data. I just plug the cradle board in via USB cable and it appears as device /dev/ttyACM0. When I 'cat' this device file I receive all the sensor data.
I have made a sort-of hybrid program from the 2 demos now which records audio on the microphone and sends feature data over the serial link for speech recognition experiments, which is what I was after, so thanks for the new board and the development software guys.
2016-10-14 12:23 AM
It does not matter whatever I burn, It is just showing flashed sucessfully but still sending TimeStamp continuously to the terminal. I think something is wrong in flashing but why it says Programming Done if there is something wrong in Flashing. Getting Confused.
2016-10-14 5:22 AM
Update 2:
Got Audio Loop Working.
1. What was the Problem?
Now got things clear. Let me explain why it was not working. As said earlier I tried to run BLE Expansion Board Example on SensorTile and it did not work even though it flashed successfully. See circled area in attached image IROM1 start address is 0x80000000
When I burned this program in SensorTile it flashed MCU start address went wrong. See circled area in below image of Flash Structure of SensorTile MCU to understand why it went wrong
It shows 0x8000 0000 to 0x8000 3FFF is assigned for bootloader i.e. when I flashed BLE expansion board Sensor Demo example it erased Bootloader.
2. How I Got it Working
set the starting address of program 0x8000 0000 and reflashed the bootloader
set the starting address 0x8000 4000 for other programs and simply flash it.
3. But few more problem is still there
Only Audio Loop example got working Data Logger example of Sensor tile is not working
I did not find exact Baudrate of USART in data logger example so I tried every standard baudrate to receive data but it did not work.
I tried to runBluemicrosystem2STM32L476RG-SensorTile</strong>example but it did not work too. I think it did not work because of licensing problem. I requested for open.MEMS license yesterday but did not receive license yet.</span></li></ol>
4. Some Strange Things
When I burned bootloader first time, luckily I got factory demo example working like brand new, I tested it with ST BlueMS App it worked perfectly
Then I flashedAudioLoopexample, got it working too. happy and very happy.
I was excited to see howData Loggerexample will work. It did not work however it flashed successfully. Tried every standard baudrate.
Again I flashed Audio Loop example and it works
I thought let's burn bootloader again and test factory demo examples, this time, I did not get demo example working
So I thought let's try to run
example but it did not work too.
After this again I tried to runAudio Loopand got it working
5. What I am trying to do
trying to get 9 axis data in mobile from SensorTile but I am unable to runData Logger and Bluetooth Demoexample.
Would you like to help me to make it run
2016-12-30 5:57 AM
Thanks for this information, I found that I also had to change the programming address from
0x8000 0000
to0x8000 4000 to get the demo applications working (also had to re-program the boot loader at 0x8000 0000 first). I am using an
board instead of Nucleo, but it seems to work fine for programming.2016-12-30 7:01 AM
The issue has been reported internally for check.Sorry for the inconvenience it may bring.
2017-01-10 4:11 AM
Hi Brian,
I'm trying to better understand the problem.
When you say '
I also had to change the programming address' do you mean in the IDE project options? Which one of the three supported IDE are you using (IAR, KEIL, SW4STM32)?
2017-01-12 11:53 AM
I'm using SW4STM32 in Eclipse for compilation and generating a bin file. I then use the ST-LINK utility to flash the bin file to the board via the SWD interface on a STM32L4 DISCOVERY board. (I don't do the flashing within the IDE itself)
2018-03-04 2:00 AM
Hey Brian,
Will you be willing to share your hybrid program? I'm interested in something similar.