2019-12-11 12:43 AM
When the sample source code taken from STSTSW-STLKT01, the codes for the accelerometer is run and processed smoothly. However, the raw data and characteristics are not displayed in the nRF Connect app. No changes were made to the codes for the accelerometer and other functions & characteristics. The ST BLE Sensor Application shows no problem with the accelerometer. Other functions such as accelerometer events, battery and carry position are displayed. I am using the SensorTile module (STEVAL-STLCS01V1) with STM32L476JG, LSM6DSM, LSM303AGR, LPS22HB, MP34DT05-A, BlueNRG-MS, BALF-NRG-02D3 and LD39115J18R. May i know how do i display the data and characteristics?
2019-12-20 4:07 AM
Hi @KChan.2 , I don't believe it is so simple to interface the SensorTile HW platform with a generic app, the nRF Connect in this case... The ST BLE Sensor App is designed specifically for the interface with the SenorTile ... Btw, I can show you the Github repository of the source code of the ST BLE Sensor app for IoS and Android if you want to go deeper in the BLE communication section. Regards
2020-01-12 11:06 PM
Thank you for your information. May i know, how does the ST Connect Mobile Application display the accelerometer data? What do the application use to display the data?