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MEMs Studio and LIS2DUX12, Load Configuration Issue


I am trying to save and reload a configuration file from MEMs Studio into the LIS2DUX12 accelerometer mounted onto the STEVAL_MKI109V3 motherboard. The basic system works fine. When I save a file (either in .json or .ucf format), it all looks correct (viewing with Notepad). But when I load this file, the board becomes unresponsive, and all the registers read "FF", including the "Who am I" register. It's the same response on either a PC or MAC.

I am using the latest version of MEMs Studio (vr 1.3). However, the website labels it as version 1.4.

Mike Schell

Federica Bossi
ST Employee

Hi @MikeSchell ,

Thank you for pointing out this issue. In the next days there will be MEMS Studio release 1.4.2 with some bug fixes.

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