2015-09-28 7:38 AM
I�m using an stm32f4-discovery board and I�m trying to sample the on board mems microphone at 48 kHz. I record a large number of samples and send them to the computer via USB (if someone knows a better way of doing this, help would be appreciated ) and analyze them on the PC. The problem is that I�m trying to use frequencies above 15 kHz and the power of the signal in that part of the spectrum is really small. Does someone knows about the frequency response of the mic on that range? Is it good enough or am I wasting my time?Thanks for the reply.Raul #usb-mic-stm32f4discovery #mp45dt02 #mems-microphone2015-10-18 7:46 PM
Hi, Raul
I am stuck for USB mic implementation on stm32f4-discovery.Did you implement USB mic on it successfully?If so, please provide your USB mic project files for me.Best Regards,Ryuya2016-06-22 7:16 AM
Hi guys,
Sorry that I have a dumb question I am new to STM32's board, and we are currently using F446 with MEMS microphone module. We want it act as a USB microphone like what it said. http://www.st.com/content/ccc/resource/technical/document/user_manual/f5/06/94/40/a6/01/49/ae/DM00187405.pdf/files/DM00187405.pdf/jcr:content/translations/en.DM00187405.pdf We have our USB devices code ready but when we connected to PC it shows ''unknown devices''.. That means we have to search for some other driver at PC side or it means that our code is erroneous... Thanks for the reply BRs, Kevin