2025-02-18 7:55 AM - last edited on 2025-02-18 11:51 AM by Peter BENSCH
I have a question about the MEMS audio sensor MP23DB01HP.
I think i already undertood that the output is a PDM, but my question is, how can I convert that to obtain a corresponding value in dB? Or some used unit?
I have done the acquisitons, but know i don't know what to do with that values...
Thank you in advance for your replies
2025-02-19 8:12 AM
What have you acquired? not clear - if you have the PCM (pulse code modulated) stream then you already have everything. If you do not know how to convert from PDM to PCM, then PCM was not saved, did you save the PDM bitstream?
The PDM to PCM conversion can be done by the firmware, check for example AN3998 and UM2372 that describe the API of the library in STM32Cube software packages:
The PDM to PCM conversion can also be done by a dedicated hardware peripheral on STM32 models equipped with that peripheral, check AN5027 for more information
Finally, audio processing and fusion such as BeamForming (BF), Sound Source Localization (SL), FFT analysis, and of course PDM to PCM conversion is in X-Cube-MEMSMIC1 software package!
2025-02-20 1:45 AM
Thanks @Andrea VITALI
I am using steval mkboxpro with FP-SNS-DATALOG2, and after acquisition i obtained a .dat file, then i used the program that came in FP-SNS-DATALOG2 to convert .dat to .csv, after opening the .csv i have the timestamps and waveform. Like this:
From what i understand by reading the files and your explanation, the output is a PDM, a stream os 0s and 1s, but i don't have that output. My problem is that i need to have this in db or dbSPL.
2025-02-20 2:23 AM
Any of the solution that you suggested is compatible with using FP-SNS-DATALOG2?
2025-02-20 9:16 AM
the CSV file obtained from the microphone is a PCM (pulse-code-modulated) meaning that all numbers represent the audio level. Just plot the waveform to see it.
dBSPL can be estimated only indirectly, assuming the max PCM value is corresponding to the AOP acoustic-overload-point of the microphone (see datasheet).
Anyway, if you happen to manage to get the PDM bitstream, you can easily convert to PCM. Example: PDM stream is 1bit a 3Mbps, you want PCM at 48kHz, down-sampling ratio is 64:1. You usually apply low-pass filters and down-sample in stages. First stage can be to apply a moving average with 8:1 downsampling which means subdividing the bitstream in bytes and counting the '1's in each byte. From there you have a 3bit PCM at 384kHz and you need to apply a better lowpass (IIR or FIR) to get good signal-to-noise ratio in the audio band (see design tips DT0088, DT0091, DT0092 for example).
2025-02-20 9:17 AM
no need to solve a problem because there is no problem: DATALOG2 saves the PCM in the .dat and you get the values of each audio sample in the .csv.
2025-02-21 3:16 AM
Thanks @Andrea VITALI,
If i want to use dBFS i can calculate directly using 20*log10( PeakLevel / FullScale), where Peak Level can be each waveform measurement and FullScale the maximum value of the sample?
Ok, and how can i calculate the dBSPL?(Using AOP)
2025-02-21 8:22 AM
Use the max abs value observed in the waveform or the RMS of the waveform for which you want to compute dBFS.
AOP in dB corresponds to 0dBFS
Therefore a rough estimate of dBSPL can be AOP + dBFS
dBFS will be always negative and dBSPL will be always less than AOP
(dBFS is guaranteed to be negative when you compute it using max abs value, on the opposite when you use RMS it can be as high as +3dB for square waves but it is 0 for sinusoidal waves which are in audio signals)
2025-02-24 4:30 AM
@Andrea VITALI Thanks for your reply!
I didn't completely understand what you were referring to in this:
"Use the max abs value observed in the waveform or the RMS of the waveform for which you want to compute dBFS"
This value is to replace by FullScale in the formula right? And in PeakLevel i use every PCM sample value?
20*log10( PeakLevel / FullScale)
Then i add 135 to get the value in dBSPL
Is this right? Because i am getting higher values then expected for a room noise. I leave the logic of the code and a graphic?
waveform_col = df.columns[1]
max_val = np.max(np.abs(df[waveform_col]))
df["dBFS"] = 20 * np.log10(np.abs(df[waveform_col]) / max_val)
df["dBSPL2"] = df["dBFS"] + 135
2025-02-24 8:40 AM
As explained before, the formula would be a rough estimate of the dBSPL because dBFS is measuring one thing (where the signal stand with respect to full-amplitude) and dBSPL is measuring the actual physical sound pressure.
135dB AOP was an example, if you are using a specific part you should read the datasheet! for MP23DB01HP the datasheet says AOP is 120dBSPL and you should use that number, not the one in the example: dBSPL = dBFS + 120.
The datasheet says that a 94dBSPL signal at 1kHz stays at -24dBFS +/-1dB. You can use this reference point to get the number you are looking for, 118dBSPL+/-1dB at 1kHZ would correspond to 0dBFS. Which again points to dBSPL = dBFS + 118.
RMS is more reliable than an instantaneous measure. So, use the RMS of a data segment to get the same levels that an audio instrument would report (because remember audio applications use RMS).
Finally, for applications that require accuracy you can perform a 1 point calibration: create a stimulus with a precisely known dBSPL level, measure the dBFS level from the microphone and compute the offset to be added to go from one number to the other.
Keep in mind that the frequency response is not flat, signals with same dBSPL but different frequencies will appear to have different dBFS.
Hope you can move forward with your application now. If so, please mark this as solution accepted.