2019-09-10 3:16 AM
We are looking to use the extended Kalman filter within the Matlab sensor fusion toolbox.
There are some accel/gyro noise parameters required by the imufilter() function within that collection of functions. They don't appear to be commonly included within IMU data sheets in this form. We are looking to use your ISM330DLC device.
The required parameters are:
I've not seen anything resembling these descriptions or units on any accelerometer or gyro datasheets.
While there are default values applied by Matlab, and it seems to work, we'd rather have something real. I don't see any way of arriving at these parameters for myself.
What would these parameters be for ISM330DLC?
Michael Kearsey
2019-09-17 5:26 AM
Hi Michael, a couple of questions for my clarification: which is the difference between "accelerometer signal noise" and "linear acceleration noise"? And what do you mean with variance? Signal variance or variance of the data rms value on a certain number of samples? In the first case, you can just do the square of the rms noise reported on the datasheet. Regards