2021-02-26 8:36 PM
The random walk and bias stability of the LSM6DSM gyroscope could not
be found in the data sheet.
Random walk , bias stability of gyroscope Please tell me the reference value.
Solved! Go to Solution.
2021-03-01 1:31 AM
Hi @totaw.1 ,
AVAR parameter are not fully tested in the inline tester production, that's why they are not in the datasheet with upper and lower spec limits.
I can however share bench results on a representative sample, tested in the following conditions:
VDD = 1.8V
VDDIO = 1.8V
ODR XL = 208Hz HP
ODR Gyro = 208Hz HP
Synchronous reading
Temperature Range -40 ÷ 85DegC
Angular random walk of gyroscope:
Bias stability of gyroscope:
If my reply answered your question, please click on Select as Best at the bottom of this post. This will help other users with the same issue to find the answer faster.
2021-03-01 1:31 AM
Hi @totaw.1 ,
AVAR parameter are not fully tested in the inline tester production, that's why they are not in the datasheet with upper and lower spec limits.
I can however share bench results on a representative sample, tested in the following conditions:
VDD = 1.8V
VDDIO = 1.8V
ODR XL = 208Hz HP
ODR Gyro = 208Hz HP
Synchronous reading
Temperature Range -40 ÷ 85DegC
Angular random walk of gyroscope:
Bias stability of gyroscope:
If my reply answered your question, please click on Select as Best at the bottom of this post. This will help other users with the same issue to find the answer faster.
2021-03-01 10:34 PM
Thank you very much.
When VDD = VDDIO = 3.3V, does the value change considerably?
2021-03-02 12:55 AM
Hi @totaw.1 ,
yes, values of these parameters are basically constant across the device Vdd/VddIO range.
The main parameter that may change is the current consumption, slightly increasing with the Vdd.
2021-03-02 2:34 AM
Thank you very much.
I understand.
2021-03-03 4:43 PM
Sorry do you have data on random walk and bias stability for lsm6d3h?
(ODR=1.66kHz 2000dps)
I need lsm6dsm and lsm6d3h gyroscope random walk and bias stability data.
2021-03-04 7:30 AM
Hi @totaw.1 ,
AVAR parameters don't change too much with respect to the ODR, so they are pretty similar from ODR 208Hz to 1.66kHz. They also slightly differ between the two sensor families.
However, we currently don't have the AVAR at maximum gyro FS, since they are typically tested at the lower FS to appreciate the lowest detectable variations in the signal. In theory, the parameter should have the same value also for higher FSs, but I cannot guarantee at practical level.
2021-03-04 4:17 PM
I am always grateful for your help
I'm sorry, this is the last question.
Is there any data on the acceleration bias Repeatability and scale factor Repeatability ( / year ) of LSM6DSM?
2021-03-05 3:22 AM
Hi @totaw.1 ,
thank you first for your appreciation.
About the "acceleration bias repeatability" parameter you might consider the standard deviations shown in the above picture: they accounts for a confidence interval of
About the "scale factor repeatability" over year, which I interpret as the change / drift in sensitivity across 1 year, you can consider the ±1% sensitivity tolerance that you can find in the datasheet, p.23.
2021-03-23 7:26 AM
Is there a unit problem of Angular random walk of gyroscope in your answer ?
I expected the data in "deg/s /sqrt(Hz))" or in deg/sqrt(h) ?