2019-05-27 02:34 AM
Hi, we are using LSM6DSL, and we are developing the self-test procedure. The Self-test algorithm for LSM6DSL is described in AN5040 Application note, but we don't know the values |min(ST_X)|, |max(ST_X)|,|min(ST_Y)|, |max(ST_Y)||min(ST_Z)|, |max(ST_Z)| etc. Are they constants? What are they values?
Thanks In Advance
Massimo Ceschi
2019-06-03 02:09 AM
Hi Massimo, you can refer to the LSM6DSL datasheet, where you can find the following self-test limits. Consider that these limits are full-scale independent.
2019-06-03 03:13 AM
Hi Eleon,
thank you for you quick answer.
We didn't read the manual throughly enough!