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Hello Everyone, I am working on the lsm6dsl sensor from two week and i read the data sheet but I can't find the Suitable answer about my question. My question is to set threshold for x y and z axis. if the tilt greater than 30 generate interrupt.


can anyone provide answer.

Federica Bossi
ST Employee

Hi @bjha.1​ ,

Welcome to ST Community!

Have a look at AN5040.

If you are referring to the 6D orientation detection, you can't set a threshold values of 30 degrees but you need to choose another one from the values given in the table 27 page 39.

Otherwise, if you refer to absolute wrist tilt, the threshold parameter can be configured through the embedded functions register A_WRIST_TILT_THS by setting the WRIST_TILT_THS field as described in page 55 of AN5040.

Note that the default value of register 54h is 500 mg, corresponding to a tilt angle of 30 degrees.

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