2022-08-17 4:32 AM
2022-08-17 4:38 AM
How Can I resolve above issues?
2022-08-17 7:35 AM
I have similar chip and it draws 5uA.
You need to disable high resolution mode, and use low frequency update, like 100Hz or even less.
Can you read WHO_AM_I register ?
2022-08-17 8:04 AM
How much current is consumed by this section of the board if you remove the LIS2DH from it?
Get better at diagnostic and debugging technique?
2022-08-17 8:31 AM
Without accelerometer the board consuming 17uA. With Accelerometer 504uA. Above picture I mentioned the current consumption details
2022-08-17 8:38 AM
Yes, not really clear what the graphs show, where they are measuring, or how you've successfully separated the +VBAT_3V net from everything else you have hanging off it, including all the circuitry beyond what you've chose to show.
Have you isolated the current draw to a particular pin?
2022-08-17 8:42 AM
Suggests it's not idle..
Can you perhaps plot current consumption vs SCL activity pin?
Enumerate register content?
Think of things which might be salient to understanding and solving the issue.