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LIS2DH12TR Power consumption is 500uA. I have attached the Schematic and PCB file. Could you possible to suggest the power reduction in hardware or firmware level.

Associate II


Associate II

How Can I resolve above issues?

Linas L
Senior II

0693W00000QNu4EQAT.pngI have similar chip and it draws 5uA.

You need to disable high resolution mode, and use low frequency update, like 100Hz or even less.

Can you read WHO_AM_I register ?

How much current is consumed by this section of the board if you remove the LIS2DH from it?

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Without accelerometer the board consuming 17uA. With Accelerometer 504uA. Above picture I mentioned the current consumption details

Yes, not really clear what the graphs show, where they are measuring, or how you've successfully separated the +VBAT_3V net from everything else you have hanging off it, including all the circuitry beyond what you've chose to show.

Have you isolated the current draw to a particular pin?

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Suggests it's not idle..

Can you perhaps plot current consumption vs SCL activity pin?

Enumerate register content?

Think of things which might be salient to understanding and solving the issue.

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