2019-03-09 6:45 AM
In the Datasheet for the LIS2DH12, the typical value for Temperature sensor output change vs temperature is specified for 8 bits low resolution as (typ)1 digit/deg C, but there is no reference for the high resolution mode. Can I have the typical value for TSDr when high resolution mode is activated please?
2019-03-11 1:46 AM
hi, according to LIS2DH12 app note: "The temperature is available in OUT_TEMP_L (0Ch), OUT_TEMP_H (0Dh) stored as two’s complement data, left-justified. The temperature data format can be 10 bits if LPen (bit 3) in CTRL_REG1 (20h) is cleared (high-resolution / normal mode), otherwise, in low-power mode, the ADC resolution is 8-bit."
According to the ds the output change vs T is 1digit/°C on 8 bit also for normal mode [bit1to bit10], so the bit8 will change after a 1°C step, while the LSBs bit9 and bit10 will change inside the 1°C step.
2019-03-11 4:48 PM
Thank you for your quick answer. It is very appreciated