2017-07-13 5:06 AM
I did not quite understand from the pdf when reading 32*3 samples from the FIFO in SPI mode, can I set the SPI starting address at OUT_X_L (28h) with the SPI's MS bit raised and then read in a constant SPI read stream (single message) all of the 192 bytes?
Or do I need to read the SPI starting with address (28h | 40h) in 32 different messages?
I saw in a previous post, that you can use the FIFO only in 10bit mode.
Is this true?
#lis2dh-fifo-spi2017-07-26 1:32 PM
I have a similar question surrounding I2C with reading the FIFO, but on the LIS2DE12. Seems the answer to this will answer both of our questions.
2017-09-04 6:14 AM
Yes, you can read the whole FIFO in single SPI transaction (please see chapter 4.1.5 Retrieve data from FIFO in datasheet).
Yes, FIFO contains only 10 bit values.