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I have NUCLEO-L053R8. Now I need to interface LSM9DS1 directly with NUCLEO-L053R8 for testing using MotionFX Library. Is it possible to interface LSM9DS1 to test using MotionFX library? If Yes, Please suggest proper procedure/steps. Thank you.

Associate II
ST Employee

Hi @VB.4,

you can start from the C GIthub examples for the LSM9DS1 device (lsm9ds1_read_data_polling.c), changing the hardware connection for the Vdd / SPI physical lines (from the NUCLEO_F411RE to the NUCLEO-L053R8), and then you can add the MotionFX Library to your project, taking as reference the examples of the X-CUBE-MEMS1 that you can find in the \Projects\STM32L073RZ-Nucleo\Applications\CUSTOM folder.

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