2022-04-08 7:13 AM
i am trying to read the WHO_AM_I (read only) register and transmitting the data ( 0x0F | 0x80 ) and receiving the data from slave (0x6A) while checking in oscilloscope, but here is the problem that when i am driving (MISO) output of slave into master, master can't able to capture the data correctly i have configured the master properly with CPOL and CPAH there is no any problem with timing but still master can't able to capture the data i have made changes with MISO pin configurations made the pin as pull-up and also pull-down checked in both cases but still the problem persists.
please find the attachment of Pics:
1)o/p when connected the MISO pin to sensor
2) data that i am transmitting from MOSI
3) data that Slave sending when MISO is not connected
Awaiting for your precious reply.
Thank you.