2020-03-13 1:02 PM
I'm trying to implement a relative tilt function using lsm6dso with nrf52832 processor.
Following the AN5192, the procedures to enable tilt detection are:
1.Write 80h to FUNC_CFG_ACCESS// Enable access to embedded functions registers
2.Write 10h to EMB_FUNC_EN_A// Enable tilt detection
3.Write 10h to EMB_FUNC_INT1// Tilt interrupt driven to INT1 pin
4.Write 80h to PAGE_RW// Enable latched mode for embedded functions
5.Write 00h to FUNC_CFG_ACCESS// Disable access to embedded functions registers
6.Write 02h to MD1_CFG// Enable embedded functions interrupt routing
7.Write 20h to CTRL1_XL// Turn on the accelerometer// ODR_XL = 26 Hz, FS_XL = ±2 g
Below is my code:
void LSM6DSO_CFG(){
ret_code_t err_code;
uint8_t dataToWrite = 0; //Temporary variable
uint8_t func_cfg_access = 0x80U;
err_code = write_LSM6DSO(m_twi_lsm6ds0, LSM6DSO_I2C_ADD_H, FUNC_CFG_ACCESS,&func_cfg_access, sizeof(func_cfg_access),true); // enable gyro and accel data ready interrupt on INT1
func_cfg_access = 0x10U; //tilt detection
err_code = write_LSM6DSO(m_twi_lsm6ds0, LSM6DSO_I2C_ADD_H, EMB_FUNC_EN_A,&func_cfg_access, sizeof(func_cfg_access),true); // enable gyro and accel data ready interrupt on INT1
func_cfg_access = 0x10U; //tilt interrupt
err_code = write_LSM6DSO(m_twi_lsm6ds0, LSM6DSO_I2C_ADD_H, EMB_FUNC_INT1,&func_cfg_access, sizeof(func_cfg_access),true); // enable gyro and accel data ready interrupt on INT1
func_cfg_access = 0x80U; //Enable latched mode
err_code = write_LSM6DSO(m_twi_lsm6ds0, LSM6DSO_I2C_ADD_H, PAGE_RW,&func_cfg_access, sizeof(func_cfg_access),true); // enable gyro and accel data ready interrupt on INT1
func_cfg_access = 0x00U;
err_code = write_LSM6DSO(m_twi_lsm6ds0, LSM6DSO_I2C_ADD_H, FUNC_CFG_ACCESS,&func_cfg_access, sizeof(func_cfg_access),true); // enable gyro and accel data ready interrupt on INT1
func_cfg_access = 0x02U;
err_code = write_LSM6DSO(m_twi_lsm6ds0, LSM6DSO_I2C_ADD_H, MD1_CFG,&func_cfg_access, sizeof(func_cfg_access),true); // enable gyro and accel data ready interrupt on INT1
dataToWrite = 0x20U;
err_code = write_LSM6DSO(m_twi_lsm6ds0, LSM6DSO_I2C_ADD_H, LSM6DSO_CTRL1_XL_REG,&dataToWrite, sizeof(dataToWrite),true);
int main(void)
ret_code_t ret;
gpio_init(); //enable pin interrupt
NRF_LOG_INFO("\r\nTWI sensor example started.");
while (true) {
void LSM6DSO_READ(void)
ret_code_t err_code;
uint8_t rx_data = EMB_FUNC_STATUS;
err_code = read_LSM6DSO(m_twi_lsm6ds0, LSM6DSO_I2C_ADD_H,EMB_FUNC_STATUS ,&rx_data, sizeof(rx_data),true);
I was enabled interrupt in nrf and tested independentlly with success, but using osciloscope, the pin int1 connected doesn't work.
Anyone can help me?
2020-03-20 9:29 AM
Hi @LClad.1 , I don't understand if you was able to detect the interrupt or not... Did you check the INT1_TILT bit of the EMB_FUNC_INT1 (0Ah) register by polling it, to see if it is set to '1', even if not routed on the INT1 pin? Regards